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CEO Best Practice: Strategic Planning

Executive Tools

  • Executive Summary
  • Self Assessment Checklist

Expert Practices Articles

  • Plan and Process
  • The Planning Team
  • The Planning Process
  • The Mission Statement
  • Goals and Objectives
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Implementing the Plan

Case Histories

  • Use Historical Data to Inform Your Planning
  • Use a "Balanced Scorecard"
  • Educate Employees on Roles
  • Create an OBM Leadership Team
  • Schedule Ongoing Planning Sessions
  • Track Strategic Goals Through Monthly Reports
  • Enlist a Third-Party Facilitator
  • Appoint a Plan "Engineer"
  • Distribute a Pre-meeting Questionnaire
  • Use Incentives to Involve Employees in Strategy

Tools & Analysis

  • 12 Steps to Creating a Plan
  • Strategic Planning Terminology
  • Strategic Planning Workbook
  • Strategic Planning Guide

Book List: Strategic Planning

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CEO Best Practice: Strategic Planning

Executive Summary

  • Plan and Process
  • The Planning Team
  • The Planning Process
  • The Mission Statement
  • Goals and Objectives
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Implementing the Plan

Plan and Process

According to our best practices experts, an organization's strategic plan should:

  • Be ongoing and never ending
  • Represent a shared vision of where the business is headed and what is needed to get there
  • Be integrated into a continuous business cycle

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The Planning Team

The strategic planning team should represent a broad spectrum of segments within the organization.

  • The ideal size is nine to 15 members with an outside facilitator.
  • The CEO must serve as the strategic plan's "spiritual leader."
    Choose planning team members based on merit, not rank or entitlement.

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The Planning Process

The strategic planning process consists of an orderly sequence of activities, each contributing to the success of the whole. The process should take place off-site, away from telephones, faxes, etc., so that team members can "disengage" from day-to-day operations.

Best Practices:

Practice creative thinking. Generate as many ideas a possible during the early, "out-of-the-box" mode.

  • Take a critical, unbiased look at what has worked before and what hasn't.
  • Identify the best of your past business practices and drop others that have led to costly mistakes.
  • Create four to six long-term goals linked to the organization's vision.
  • Devise strategies to achieve these goals and objectives.
  • For each objective, create specific action steps.

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The Mission Statement

A mission statement describes what an organization does, what markets it serves and what it seeks to accomplish in the future.

  • The mission statement describes how the business serves customers so they will underwrite its strategy.
  • It serves as a guide for day-to-day operations and as the foundation for future decision-making.
  • For employees, a strong mission statement builds commitment, loyalty and motivation.

Best Practices:

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Goals and Objectives

Strategic planning identifies an organization's goals and objectives. Goals set the agenda and are global in nature. Objectives are more specific and short-term.

  • Goals identify areas where a major transition must occur (a transition is described as "from … to").
  • Objectives should be measurable, quantifiable and consistent.

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SWOT Analysis

A SWOT (Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats) analysis is a tool for looking critically at the organization.

Best Practices:

  • Draw upon a variety of perspectives -- from the CEO to employees, customers and others who rely upon the business.
  • Identify only those tangible and intangible assets and obstacles that are tied to your company's long-term goals.
  • Gather "competitive intelligence" by purchasing a competitor's product, hiring one of its ex-employees or visiting its booth at trade shows and conferences.
  • Collect information on the Internet by viewing a competitor's Web site and/or searching online publications.

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Implementing the Plan

The results of the strategic planning process must be integrated with an organization's daily, weekly and monthly routines.

Best Practices:

  • The CEO should develop a "stump speech" around the plan -- promoting its values, mission statement, actions, etc. -- and spread the word wherever possible.
  • Enlist a support person (or "champion") for each strategy and action.
  • Organize top and middle managers into a "strategy team" that become agents for change. The CEO should receive direct reports from these teams on a regular basis.
  • Avoid common implementation mistakes such as: (1) lack of communication throughout the company; (2) treating the plan as something separate and removed from the management process; and (3) choosing to make intuitive decisions that clash with the plan's accepted objectives.
  • Set up a feedback mechanism so that employees can respond to the strategic plan.
  • Share the plan with other stakeholders -- investors, customers, alliance partners, etc.
  • Keep the plan alive by monitoring its ongoing progress. Conduct 60- or 90-day senior management reviews. Implement objectives by expanding employee skills through training and recruitment.
  • Target sales to make the link between business strategy and sales strategy.
  • Reward success to increase employee motivation.

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